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Studio IN-EXBudapest, Könyves Kálmán krt. 11, 1097 Magyarország

Design engineer

Junior |Full-time |Engineering |Budapest
Salary range
Not provided
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About the job

Tervezőmérnök munkatársakat keresünk folyamatosan bővülő csapatunkba, nemzetközi projektek generáltervezési munkáira az alábbi szakágakban: építészmérnök, épületgépész mérnök, statikus mérnök, épületvillamossági mérnök, gyengeáramú tervezőmérnök, épületautomatika tervezőmérnök. Csatlakozz csapatunkhoz és tervezz velünk innovatív closed BIM környezetben!

Salary range

Salary rangeNot provided

Preferred application method

Language of application:
English, Hungarian,
Salary Expectations

Work schedule

Weekly working hours40 hours / week
Core time9 - 15


Ipari, irodai, logisztikai központ, adatközpont vagy éppen lakóépület tervezése BIM környezetben
Teljes dokumentáció elkészítése: tervek, műszaki leírások, részletrajzok, költségvetések
Kapcsolattartás a megrendelőkkel, társtervezőkkel és társszakágakkal
Épületek 3D tervezése closed BIM környezetben, tőlünk magas szintű tudást szerezhetsz munka közben
Professzionális BIM-es csapat segíti és szervezi a BIM-ben való munkát

Technologies and tools

Bitrix task management |AutoCAD |Revit |Autodesk

Professional skills

  • MS Office4 / 5
  • AutoCAD4 / 5
  • AutoCad/Revit2 / 5


EngineeringAny level degree

Language skills

EnglishFit for negotiation

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Personal skills

Flexibility |Ability to teamwork |Team play |Logikus gondolkodásmód |Nyitottság az új megoldásokra

Your future team in numbers

Team size
25+ person
Team age range
23 - 62

How we work

A legmodernebb BIM technológiát használhatod – a BIM iránt legelhivatottabb generáltervező iroda vagyunk: kizárólag closed BIM rendszerben tervezünk.

Nálunk innovatív technológiákat használhatsz nap mint nap: lézerszkenner, VR eszközök, felhő alapú technológiák, fejlesztőcsapatunk által létrehozott tervezéstámogató szoftverek.

About the company

Our story

  • 1997-06Studio IN-EX Bt. was established with a handful of people.
  • 2010-08We were transformed into Studio IN-EX Kft.
  • 2010-09Strategic partnership with the Dutch company Kontekt BV and lead architect Dr. Péter Krámer.
  • 2011-03We started applying building information modelling (BIM).
  • 2016-10We moved to our new office, where we even have a recreation room with a pool table.
  • 2017-07Our company has increased its size to 140 employees.
  • 2018-08We became a private limited company and we create on two and a half floors.

What makes our product special

Architecture & Planning |Designer |3D |Igazi csapatmunka |Closed BIM |Nagyszabású projektek

Our product

Architectural and engineering services in BIM

We offer integrated architecture and engineering services for industrial, healthcare and commercial buildings in Europe, The Middle-East and Asia.

We are a trusted partner of international companies operating in the CEE region.

Our team of 150 licensed professionals includes all design disciplines who collaborate in a closed-BIM environment, ensuring the highest quality outcomes.

Our clients

Product video

Product video

Company values

Health conscious

Follow us

Life with us

Lightning round

Beer, wine or shot?
In this order.
Favorite decor?
Vertical garden
Average age?

Trainings and workshops

BIM, Revit, Navisworks and Dynamo training for students, users, managers and executives. Public sharing at professional workshops and conferences.

How can the employees affect the company’s life?

Designing our working environment together

Monthly meetings

The possibility of submitting suggestions via email about work, trainings, and other activities

Quality development meetings

Why we love our office

Our favourite place to relax is the communal lounge, where we have a ping-pong table, a foosball table, darts, and a pool table.

We can have a weekly massage in the office, and can exercise our tired muscles in our sports room

We organise joint skiing trips, holidays, and sports programmes, and we have been running the Spar marathon in Budapest together with a team for years. :)

Office photo

What would I miss if I left

The homely atmosphere, which remained despite the continuous growth in size. I would miss the people I got to know here.

Gábor Bálint (Gabó)

Senior architect

Favourite thing in the office

Personal qualities we appreciate

IN-EX spirit, teamwork

Team video

Team video

About the workplace

What do you like to eat together?

We have lunch together on Fridays, followed by cake.

Is there something you do together outside the office?

Loads of stuff!

Do you celebrate birthdays at the office?



The office is not just a working place for us. We also love playing, and we don't have to give this up on workdays. If we need to unwind for a bit, table tennis, PS, Nintendo, darts are available in the recreation room, but you can also chill out on the beanbags, the sofa or even play Lego together.

Saját építésű legogyűjtemény

Biztonságos bringatároló

Our favorite digital solution

BIM is an acronym for Building Information Modeling. Our team includes all design disciplines who collaborate in a closed-BIM environment, ensuring the highest quality outcomes.

Our favorite digital solution

In addition to our day-to-day BIM tasks, we place a strong emphasis on add-in and software development to make the day-to-day work of our staff even smoother and more productive.

Our favorite digital solution

Laser scanning is the process of laser scanning of a particular part of a building, building or group of buildings. This procedure replaces traditional building survey techniques, as it is more accurate, faster and more detailed than these.

Our favorite digital solution

Our team of BIM experts can show our clients the buildings with an interactive virtual tour. This technology allows them to view and tour the building before it is built.

Our favorite digital solution

We have created a dedicated team of our top BIM experts who are responsible for the efficiency of the company's internal and external workflows and provide BIM support to our partners.


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