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MobiscrollMarosvásárhely, Románia

Mid-level to Senior Front-end developer in product company

Medior |Teljes munkaidős |IT Development |Távmunka |Marosvásárhely |Székelyudvarhely
Fizetési sáv
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Értesülj állásainkról!Iratkozz fel és szólunk, ha itt új álláslehetőség nyílik.
Állás infók

Az állásról

Tired of working an outsourcing job, put your talent into a product!

We are looking for mid-level to senior colleagues to help us expand our product portfolio and serve our growing customer base. This is a full-time offer for front-end development that can be performed remotely.

We are shipping front-end dev tools companies all around the world. (Our products are being used in over 170 countries!)

Fizetési sáv

Fizetési sávNincs megadva

Jelentkezés preferált módja

Jelentkezés nyelve:
angol, magyar, román,


Heti munkaidő40 óra / hét
Törzsidő09:00 - 17:00


You will work on existing products (like our event calendar suite) and work on brand new products.
You will directly learn from customers what works, what doesn’t.
You will work on a great architecture (we are building a Vue.JS version in just 6 weeks)
You will learn how to build great products.
You will see how your code impacts customers.

Technológiák, eszközök

Microsoft SQL Server, .NET |iOS, Android & Web |Angular, React, JS, Vue |AWS, NodeJS, Azure

Szakmai ismeretek

  • Experience writing software4 / 5
  • Front-end frameworks3 / 5
  • Problem solver4 / 5


Nem kell papír


AngolTársalgási szint

Ajánld az ismerőseidnek!

Elküldöm a linket

Emberi tulajdonságok

Tanulni vágyó |empathetic |growth mindset |proactive

A leendő csapatod számokban

Csapat mérete
6-10 fő
Legfiatalabb, legidősebb kolléga életkora
22 - 37

Mit fogsz tanulni

  • You will directly learn from customers what works, what doesn’t and you will be able to figure out how to create products that actually help people.
  • You will work on a tech-stack that is relevant and do it with a team that is passionate about software.
  • You will see how your code impacts customers.

Az ideális jelentkező

You should already have experience writing software. We are not specifically looking for people with X years of experience in Y technology.

Instead we are looking for problem solvers and people who can see the forest from the trees. You should have a good understanding of how modern web projects are built and you should have affinity towards front-end frameworks and technologies.

Előny, ha...

  • You will have an advantage if you already worked in some of the front-end frameworks we cover: Angular, Reach, Vue.
  • It is also an advantage if you led or onboarded new colleagues in your previous work.

Ne jelentkezz, ha...

If you are looking for a shot term gig, or if you are jumping from job to job, this is not for you.
If you are not looking for a place in a stable and growing company.
If you are searching for a part-time job.
If you don't want to spend the time to understand our architecture and learn our way of building.
A cégről


  • 2011Mobiscroll releases its very first product bringing touch date & time selection to the mobile web.
  • 2012-04The first version of Mobiscroll 2 is released introducing our second component, the select.
  • 2013-08Mobiscroll 2.7 is released, shipping 9 components.
  • 2014-04Mobiscroll 2.10 is released with platform theming, localization, new features & functionality.
  • 2015-10Mobiscroll 2.17 is released with 10+ components, form fields and extended integration.
  • 2016-05First beta for Mobiscroll 3 is out with Event calendar, which will become our biggest product yet.
  • 2017-11Mobiscroll 4 beta is released with a major cleanup and more refined UX.
  • 2018-03First stable version of Mobiscroll 4 is out. It starts paving the way for more advanced components.
  • 2018-07Mobiscroll 4.3 is released with desktop components and a responsive API.
  • 2019-05Mobiscroll is moving to Sass with version 4.7.
  • 2020Mobiscroll repositions itself as a calendaring toolset for desktop/mobile from a UI framework.
  • 2020-04First beta of Mobiscroll 5 is out, a complete rewrite laying groundwork for the best Mobiscroll yet.
  • 2020-12Mobiscroll 5.0 is in the books with the brand new Scheduler.
  • 20212021 was about learning & building, making us one of the top event calendaring UI on the market.
  • 2022In 2022 we've doubled down on what we set out to do with v5 and we are winning more of the market.
  • 2023We are growing the team to scale the business. Hiring for product, sales, marketing and development.

Iroda cím

Marosvásárhely, Románia
További irodák

Ettől különleges a termékünk

Solves complex problems |Easy to set up |Comes with great support |Has a good documentation |100s of examples and demos |It gets better and better



We are building the next generation of calendaring and scheduling UI tools. Our customers range from small startups, individual developers to Fortune 100 companies and governmental organizations.


Itt követhetsz minket

Az élet nálunk


Beer, wine or shot?
It depends
Star Wars or Ben Hur?
What do you think?
Mac or PC

Így képezzük a kollégákat

There are a bunch of ways to level up: access to online training (previously offline events as well), in-house training, coaching and resources you'll need to get better at your craft.

Hogy szólhatnak bele az alkalmazottak a cég életébe?

Everyone in the company works with customers so that they can experience and understand their pain first hand. This builds empathy and we believe that everyone can positively contribute to our future.

Ezt szeretjük a legjobban az irodában

We love our office, because we can work from home or from wherever we want. Our team is distributed and since COVID started we are all working from our homes. We are also looking into ways to provide options for people who would prefer to go to an office from time to time.

Mi hiányozna, ha elmennék

I think I would miss the friendships and the people I work with the most. Together we are able to solve the problems that we are facing every day.


Support specialist

Tulajdonságok, amiket értékelünk

  • Empathetic & respect the opinions of others
  • Reliable... someone we can count on.
  • Empathy is key for great teamwork and when working with customers as well

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