Sales agent
Állás infók
Az állásról
We are looking for a sales agent who is empathetic and eager to help & learn. You will be part of the sales team, working along-side the founder and help website visitors to understand how Mobiscroll can help them make progress and eventually turn them into customers. You will be directly working with potential customers and become the link between them and our product team.
Fizetési sáv
Jelentkezés preferált módja
angol, magyar,
Szakmai ismeretek
- Értékesítési tapasztalat1 / 5
- Advanced communication skills5 / 5
- English communication5 / 5
Ajánld az ismerőseidnek!
Emberi tulajdonságok
A leendő csapatod számokban
- Csapat mérete
- 6-10 fő
- Legfiatalabb, legidősebb kolléga életkora
- 28 - 38
Így dolgozunk mi
We are building the next generation of calendaring and scheduling UI tools. Our customers range from small startups, individual developers to Fortune 100 companies and governmental organizations. Teams from companies like AT&T, Disney, Nasa, LIBRA BANK, Swarovski... all the way to small teams and lone developers use Mobiscroll.
Check out our customers page and read what people say about us.
Mit fogsz tanulni
You will be part of the sales team and learn how to sell software (even if you didn't sell software before). You will also learn how to do sales from a demand-side perspective and see how you can reach and exceed your monthly quotas.
We will definitely appreciate all the effort you put in learning our products and understanding our clients needs.
Az ideális jelentkező
Ideally you'd have some sales experience, but at the end of the day selling is just helping people connect the dots between their problems and our solution. You'd be curious and wanting to learn and deeply understand our products and customers.
Ekkor kezhetsz
Ne jelentkezz, ha...
- If you are searching for a part-time job
- If you don't want to spend the time to understand the product and process
Job type
This is office work, we sell our products online, no need to travel anywhere.