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Easy SoftwareJugoslávských partyzánů 34, 160 00 Praha 6, Csehország

Technical support specialist for global software

Medior |Contract de servicii |Operațiuni IT |Remote work
Salariu brut
1 700 - 2 000 EUR
Detaliile jobului
Termen limită pentru aplicare
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Informații despre job

Despre job

Do you wish to have a complex technical job supporting an open-core applications? Do you want to use and further develop your Linux knowledge? Do you want to work remotely? Do you like Czech beer?

Yes? Then join us.

Nivel salariu

Salariu brut 1 700 - 2 000 EUR

Modul preferat de aplicare

Limba de aplicare:
Salary Expectations

Programul de lucru

Timp de lucru săptămânal40 oră / săptămână
Core time9 - 16


Support our on-premise clients in installation and upgrade of the application
Support our clients in DB migration and server configuration set up
Engage in application support predominantly via our helpdesk system
Closely cooperate with members of Easy team in Hungary and Czech based Support team

Tehnologii, instrumente

React |Easy Redmine |#javascript |AngularJS |Redmine |Ruby on Rails 5.2 |Debian Linux, PostgerSQL |Apache, NGINX, MySQL, HAProxy

Cunoștințe profesionale

  • Technical/Application Support3 / 5
  • Linux3 / 5
  • Ruby1 / 5
  • Redmine1 / 5
  • Experience in the IT sector2 / 5


InformaticăOrice alt nivel de studii

Limbi cunoscute

EnglezăNivel conversațional

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Competențe personale

Capacitatea de rezolvare a problemelor |Om de echipă |De încredere |Open to development |Abordare centrată pe client

Viitoarea echipă în cifre

Mărimea echipei
2-5 person
Vârsta celui mai tânăr/mai în vârstă coleg
33 - 38

Viitori colegi

Herczeg Péter
Tomcsányi Krisztina
Horváth Ákos

Așa lucrăm noi

In HU Team we currently all work by remotely, as we do not have an office yet in Budapest.

We have recurring meetings (dedicated to different topics) two / three times a week.

Our main communication channels are Teams, Skype, Phone, Email.

We schedule personal coworking days in each month, have a HU team building in every quarter, and we join to Easy Software HQ in Prague occasionally

Remote Work
Despre companie

Istoria noastră

  • 2008The first Easy Project is released.
  • 2011Easy Project is used by over 100 clients for efficient project management.
  • 2015Easy Project is used by over 1 200 organizations around the world
  • 2018The Easy Project platform has now over 3 000 business users.
  • 2021Easy Project V11 is available

Produsul nostru este special, datorită acestor lucruri

higher efficiency |improved teamwork |time saving |increased productivity |resource saving

Despre produsul nostru

Easy Project

Easy Project is a professional project management software for you, your team, and the whole company.

Video despre produs sau serviciu

Video despre produs sau serviciu

Aici ne poți urmări

Viața la noi

Întrebări fulger

Beer, wine or shot?
Ties or shorts?
Average age?

Așa ne dezvoltăm colegii

We are dedicated to have new team members with CliftonStrenghts personality assesment of Gallup.

After onboarding, we have customized trainings, e-learnings based on job responsibilites.

Cum pot să influențeze angajații viața societății?

- product committees,

- Easy Fellowship

Asta ne place cel mai mult în biroul nostru

Our Prague headquarters is no ordinary glass and concrete building.

We rented out a historical tenement house from the 1920s in a calm part of the Czech capital – Dejvice. After repurposing the original flats into working spaces, every store provides a unique combination of privacy and togetherness. T

Foto despre birou

Ce mi-ar lipsi dacă aș pleca?

The constant opportunity for growth.

Jan Cermak

Head of People & Office

Obiectul favorit in birou

Calități personale pe care le apreciem





Joburi recomandate pentru tine
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