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Itron LabsBudapest, Deák Ferenc tér 15, 1052 Hungary

Software Engineer (Java)

Medior |Full-time |Dezvoltare IT |Budapest
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Informații despre job

Despre job

We are looking for a Java web application developer. You will have the opportunity to work on our multi-tenant meter data management system which collects data from millions of devices worldwide in many Data Centers across the globe, integrates with IoT networks and enterprise utility systems. The project is scaling for further growth that’s why we are seeking back-end or full-stack developers.

Nivel salariu

Nivel salariuNu este menționat

Modul preferat de aplicare

Limba de aplicare:

Programul de lucru

Timp de lucru săptămânal40 oră / săptămână


Backend/full stack development of Java web applications in DevOps model in agile environment
Continuously improve application code and development processes
Contribute to analysis, design, implementation and test activities
Analyze and fix issues
Share knowledge and bring new ideas to work

Tehnologii, instrumente

Linux |Docker |Ansible/Chef/Puppet |PostgreSQL |Redmine |SQL/NoSQL |Java 8 |Java 8+

Cunoștințe profesionale

  • Java3 / 5
  • Linux2 / 5
  • SQL, MSSQL1 / 5


Formare tehnică, inginerieOrice alt nivel de studii
InformaticăOrice alt nivel de studii
GeneralOrice alt nivel de studii

Limbi cunoscute

MaghiarăApt pentru negociere
EnglezăNivel conversațional

Recomandă unui prieten!

Trimite linkul

Competențe personale

Ability to work independently |Proactive attitude |A true team player |Analytical & organizing skills |Personalitate de încredere

Viitoarea echipă în cifre

Mărimea echipei
2-5 person
Vârsta celui mai tânăr/mai în vârstă coleg
34 - 38

Așa lucrăm noi

We have two scheduled meetings every week with colleagues from Ireland. We work in a Kanban team.
In case you join us, you'd be working on a Dell laptop and iPhone 11.

Ce vei învăța la noi?

You will learn a lot about how to develop and operate a system used almost all around the world with many users. We have subscriptions for different online technical learning portals and you can learn any technology here.

Candidatul ideal

Ideal candidate has deep technological knowledge such as Java, Spring, PostgreSQL, Linux can and would like to work in a team, share knowledge with colleagues. If you enjoy dark humor it is a plus. 😏

Este avantajos, dacă..

You have experience in NoSQL, Zookeper,, Javascript, Tomcat.

Nu aplica dacă

you do not have experience in Java developing.
Despre companie

Istoria noastră

  • 2017Itron Labs is established in Budapest - to become a Center of Excellence.
  • 2017We won "R&D Investment of the year" Award by HIPA.
  • 2018We have reached 100 employees!
  • 2019We won the Real Estate Awards for Best Office of the Year.

Produsul nostru este special, datorită acestor lucruri

Research & Development |Big Data |Software development |IoT |Multicultural |Distributed systems |Information Technology |Cloud Computing (Azure/AWS) |Smart City

Despre produsul nostru


Itron’s Budapest Center of Excellence aims to be a leading center for innovative software and services solutions that enable utilities and cities to manage energy and water more resourcefully. With access to highly skilled software engineers in Budapest, the center will focus on software and services development to support smart cities and smart grid deployments globally.

Video despre produs sau serviciu

Video despre produs sau serviciu

Valorile companiei

Home Office opportunity
Remote Work opportunity
Health conscious

Aici ne poți urmări

Viața la noi

Întrebări fulger

Beer, wine or shot?
with regular pizza & beer party - obviously beer;)
Ties or shorts?
no dresscode! - it is up to you :)
One of the most discussed topics.

Așa ne dezvoltăm colegii

Pluralsight, Udemy, Microsoft Learning including Certificates, Language courses, Business travels abroad

Asta ne place cel mai mult în biroul nostru

Foto despre birou

Ce mi-ar lipsi dacă aș pleca?

  • Pizza & beer party,
  • super EMEA colleagues,
  • Artúr, the office dog,


Talent Consultant

Obiectul favorit in birou

Calități personale pe care le apreciem

  • laid-back
  • open-minded
  • humorous
  • curious
  • iPhone lover
Care dinte celebrități ar fi societatea?

Care dinte celebrități ar fi societatea?

Keanu Reeves - High-Tech

Videoul echipei

Videoul echipei



Doggo friendly community

Able to eat tonnes of pizza

Noul normal

We have to get used to not being with the same faces every day as before the Covid

Noul normal

And we have a new "colleague" who is always in a lazy mood.

Wellbeing 🌈

  • With iFlex your team can discuss the day when you are working together in the office!🤸
  • We cover you with a life and accident insurance within Europe, with a premium health insurance with yearly manager check-ups and full outpatient care.🧬
  • We provide anonym assistance with mental and physical health consultancy, legal or financial support and free business coaching.🌍
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