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Strada II Rákóczi Ferenc 84, Odorheiu Secuiesc 535600, Románia, Harghita Business CenterHAVE DREAMS!

DreamJobs Romania

Other |Odorheiu Secuiesc |Small business (< 50)
0 open positions at this company
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About the company

Our story

  • Romania is created
  • 2020the firs Lovely Job contest in Romania
  • 2020the expansion in Romania is continuing

What makes our product special

Employer branding |profiluri Self-Branding |CV generator |modern, inovatív

Our product

Job site and Employer branding platform

We connect efficiently those looking for a job and the employers using employer branding and marketing means. It is a unique experience to look for a job with us - you have a chance to take a peak into the backstage of the companies- you can see your future colleagues, check out if you can bring your dog to the office, or you can introduce yourself by using your own self branding profile.

Our clients

Company values

Social responsibility
Home Office opportunity
Remote Work opportunity
Travel opportunities
Age doesn't matter

Follow us

Life with us

Lightning round

Sex ratio?
Mostly girls :)
Mac or PC

Trainings and workshops

We develop ourselves continously, we work in a team, we learn from each other.

How can the employees affect the company’s life?

We listen to everyone because the most important for us is our employees opinion.

Why we love our office

Harghita Business Center creates a big community, where one can always find help. It offers a modern , friendly working environment for the entrepreneurs working here.

Office photo

What would I miss if I left

If I would leave, I would miss the most the friendly environment.


Communication, marketing

Favourite thing in the office

Personal qualities we appreciate





Which celebrity would your company be?

Which celebrity would your company be?

Meryl Streep - Single minded

Team video

Team video

Recommend to your friends!

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Maja, a alapítója

Maja, a alapítója

Újdonság: Self Branding Profil

Újdonság: Self Branding Profil

Our favorite digital solution

Kedvenc digitális megoldásunk és a home office támogatója a Slack, a Google Meet és a Trello! :)

Research results...

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