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Diligent HungaryBudapest, Szervita tér 8, 1052 Magyarország

Application Security Engineer

Senior |Full-time |IT Operations |Budapest |Remote work
Salary range
Not provided
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About the job

You will be a member of the Security group and will work closely with Product Design, Software Development, and Production Operations. Your team would be primarily responsible with overseeing secure development, creating best practices and processes for the technology organization, and maintaining security tools and procedures.

Salary range

Salary rangeNot provided

Preferred application method

Language of application:
Cover Letter

Work schedule

Weekly working hours40 hours / week


Own vulnerability management and mitigation approaches with product teams
Threat modeling, secure feature and architecture assessments
Security-critical code reviews, and application security testing
Document security feature implementations
Maintain awareness of current security risks

Technologies and tools

Jira |2FA and Identity Management |OWASP Top 10 & CWE/SANS Top 25 |.NET, AngularJS, C#, |ISO, NIST, CSA |Application Security

Professional skills

  • Application design/development5 / 5
  • OWASP Top Ten4 / 5
  • CWE/SANS Top 254 / 5
  • .NET, AngularJS, C#3 / 5
  • JIRA4 / 5


ComputingAny level degree

Language skills

EnglishFit for negotiation

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Personal skills

Attention to detail |Dedicated |Self-motivated |Vigilant |Interest in security

How we work

Candidates will be working primarily with a development team located in Eastern Europe. They will be providing implementation on security best practices on architectural design, account security (2FA and Identity Management), anti-tamper technologies, secret management, and continuous integration/continuous deployment.

Ideal candidate

The ideal candidate will come from a development lead, security engineer, or DevOps background with a strong passion and interest in security. This person should be self-motivated, enjoy security work, and thrive working in a global, dynamic, growing company environment.

Advantage, if...

  • CI/CD build systems and best practices (Jenkins)
  • Building and reviewing node packages and other third-party dependencies
  • Secret and key management systems, such as Vault
  • Docker, Kubernetes, and Rancher

Do not apply, if...

You don't speak English
You don't like taking charge
You have less than 5 years experience
You are unaware of security standards

Home Office
Remote Work
Video Interview
Online Onboarding

Our Office

We have a temporary office available and open as of Monday September 6th. It is for a limited capacity but we are pleased to see our new team using the office for in person collaboration. We continue to work remotely as well; this is supported by conference calls, variety of online collaboration tools. Diligent also offers reimbursement for work from home equipment.

How We Work

We use conference calls for online meetings, variety of online collaboration solutions (Jira, Confluence, Miro, Trello and several others) available for the teams to support the remote work, emails for global communication. We chat each other and have quick ad Hoc discussions on Slack, dedicated channels for certain topics provide immediate support to our people for their questions.

Our Teams

We follow agile methodologies, having agile teams with all functions included: product manager, product owner, developers, QA engineers. Our autonomous teams are organized in bigger product clusters, having an aligned vision, led by so called 3-legged stool: having a leader from product management, engineering and UX.

About the company

Our story

  • 2003Diligent Established As Diligent Partners
  • 2007IPO On NZK
  • 2009Diligent UK office opens; Diligent serves 4,000 customers
  • 2015Brian Stafford Joins Diligent As CEO; Diligent serves 100,000 customers
  • 2019Diligent launches Modern Governance category; Diligent serves 650,000 customers
  • 2021Diligent acquires Galvanize and Steele; becomes the leading GRC SaaS provider serving 1M customers
  • 2021-03Diligent announces new Center for Product Innovation in Budapest!
  • 2021-07Diligent Hungary hires 100 employees!
  • 2023-03Welcoming our 300th Employee!

What makes our product special

Modern enterprise management |Integrated platform |insights to influence change |Trusted by 81% of Fortune 100 |Governance, risk & compliance |+500M yearly revenue |1800+ employees

Our product

Governance, risk and compliance SaaS service

Diligent is the leading governance, risk and compliance (GRC) SaaS provider. We serve more than one million users for over 25,000 organizations around the globe. Our modern GRC platform ensures boards, executives and other leaders have a holistic, integrated view of audit, risk, information security, ethics and compliance across the organization.

Our clients

Product video

Product video

Company values

Social responsibility
Home Office opportunity
Remote Work opportunity
Travel opportunities
Health conscious

Follow us

Life with us

Lightning round

Let's find a new place!
Air conditioning or window?
AC with our gorgeous glass window view
Ties or shorts?
Funky ties

Trainings and workshops

We provide professional training opportunities for everyone, including in tech and other areas for skill development.

How can the employees affect the company’s life?

The success of our business is based on trust and independence. We are always open to all questions and concerns from our colleagues, and our supportive leaders welcome any innovative suggestions.

Why we love our office

While under construction at the moment, our office will be in the beautiful and historic Szervita square, a hop, skip and a jump from the famous Váci Street! We're looking forward to lunches in heart of Budapest as well as the gorgeous view our tall building will provide for us. Plenty of sunlight and smiles even during the winter months 🌤

Office photo

What would I miss if I left

The exciting new challenges, awesome team and amazing Budapest views!

A Colleague


Favourite thing in the office

Personal qualities we appreciate

Our Budapest team are builders. They are talented, impact-driven, passionate, motivated, authentic, optimistic, approachable, adaptable, and are great team players.

Which celebrity would your company be?

Which celebrity would your company be?

Keanu Reeves - High-Tech

COVID and the Office

Diligent will continue offering a flexible working policy to employees, understanding that in person attendance is important given we are building a new team in Budapest and the collaborative nature of product work. Employees will have the option to work from the office and at home.

Park your bike in the garage!

Company Events

We have regular town hall meetings for information sharing (e.g. weekly for Budapest team, quarterly all company), professional (inviting speakers for different topics) and social (e.g. evening with singers of a famous New York musical) events online, Hackathon to foster innovation.

And - now that COVID has eased – we are organizing offline bar/restaurant meet ups, team building as well.

Projects and Products

We have a Global Center for Product Innovation in Budapest, meaning the teams cover development of whole Diligent product portfolio (several products) as part of the global organization and working in cooperation with Diligent teams in other countries. We have autonomous product teams working on their product backlog, towards the defined product vision.

Career Opportunities

As a global organization, we have a wide range of career opportunities. Developers can progress in their career in technical roles deepening or widening the scope and impact of their roles, as well as leadership roles, taking on the role of leading a team or multiple teams.

Recruitment Process

Our interviews usually consist of 2-4 online rounds. We're very proud of our onboarding process, we're even up for a Stevie Award for it! 🤩

Our tech community

Our tech community

Family Friendly

Diligent will pay the eligible Primary care givers salary during a leave of absence for pregnancy, childbirth, recovery from childbirth, breastfeeding and adoption fully paid in combination with any government assistance in jurisdiction.

Non-Primary caregivers may be eligible to receive up to 6 weeks of paid leave for birth/adoption.

Check out our BLOG!

Build Diligent

Home Office Hybrid

The new normal

We want to be flexible, understanding that different people and teams have different needs.

Youtube Summit

BIG Innovation Award

Innovation & Customer Service

Happy colleagues happy hours


Proud of our Running Club

Bike to work

Global Day of Service

Dog-friendly floor

Bring your kids to work

Diligent Center of Innovation - Budapest

Diligent Center of Innovation - Budapest

3rd Anniversary Celebration



Articles about the company

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